September 11th, 2010, Burlington Coat Factory 45 Park Place New York City NY. There was no immediate sign of the fiery cataclysm that erupted overhead starting at 8:46. But out of a baby-blue sky suddenly stained with smoke, a plane’s landing-gear assembly the size of a World War II torpedo crashed through the roof and down through two empty selling floors of the Burlington Coat Factory.
"Parts of a landing gear from one of the planes that hit the World Trade Center on 9/11 broke through the roof and two floors, see tagged above on loading cart in elevator. The Burlington Coat Factory had not yet opened for busness that day, and employees were having breakfast in the basement. No one there was injured."
Engine and landing gear parts leave smoke trails after United flight 175 struck the south tower. The engine portion came to rest at Church and Murray Streets; the landing gear on the roof of 45 Park Place, the Burlington Coat Factory.
The FBI and the NYPD turned the remians of the World Trade Center and the surrounding area into a crime scene and all airplane parts were recovered, tagged and ID'd as best possible, no 9/11 airplane parts were left at any location, there is no airplane wheel assembly in the Burlington Coat Factory at 45 Park Place New York City NY. The World Trade Center site was a NYPD and FBI crime scene, as was the Fresh Kills sorting area were parts were taken.
Photos and information courtesy of
Do you honestly believe this propaganda?
Posted by: EmilyWatson | 03/06/2011 at 08:32 AM
I believe these posts, including photographs, to be accurate and other purported views to be propaganda.
Posted by: Canary | 03/06/2011 at 11:51 AM
the first line states September 11th 2010!!?
Posted by: RC is the way to be! | 07/05/2011 at 06:41 AM