Takaful Family Care is a family health insurance program. Minimum number of participants is 2 people. Many of the benefits of Takaful Family Care, including daily cash, death benefits, and compensation for total permanent disability. Please jump to view more info about family health insurance.
The definition of family health insurance is an attempt to protect each other and mutual help among people through investment in assets and or tabarru ‘which gives the pattern of return for the risk / specific hazards.
Family health insurance that has been used by the majority community (non-Islamic) insurance is not known by the predecessors of fiqh among experts, because it does not include transactions that are recognized by Islamic jurisprudence, nor from among the companions who discusses the law.
Family health insurance with the agreement at the beginning of a clear and transparent with aqad Shariah compliance, in which the funds and the insurance premiums collected (also called tabarru funds’) will be professionally managed by insurance companies through investments based on Islamic principles syar’i with .
And in the end all these managed funds (funds tabarru ‘) will be used to deal with and anticipate the catastrophe / disaster / claims that occurred among participants of insurance. Through our family health insurance to prepare yourself financially while maintaining the principles of transactions in accordance with Islamic jurisprudence. So there is no doubt for insurance.
Source: http://globalhealthms.com/family-health-insurance-in-accordance-with-shariah/
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